CarusoPR works with clients to train spokespersons to shape and deliver powerful consistent messages. We lead our clients through the paces and make sure key company players are ready to react whether it is breaking news, an unforeseen situation or a planned announcement. We help clients feel comfortable whether on camera or on a telephone interview preparing them to answer each media call.
We identify industry trends and work alongside our clients to develop fresh angles transforming company spokesperson into industry thought leaders helping to solidify their position as experts in a given industry.
CarusoPR delivers hands-on customized media training for spokesperson’s at all levels. We coach clients on best practices offering practical tips and techniques that make it natural and seamless for spokespersons to deliver key messages. We help clients sound natural and conversational as they incorporate talking points through an interview whether it’s live on the radio, in-studio television taping or remote telephone interview for a print or industry publications.
CarusoPR dives into your industry gaining quick understanding of key issues and topics that affect you and your business. We identify ways to address sensitive issues. We help you become proactive work and avert potentially unsettling issues. We develop customized workshops for clients to gain a better perspective how they are perceived by their public through media stories. We help spokespersons understand the perception of how their message is received by the media and the public and map out better alternatives.
We also ensure our clients understand rules of engagement when it comes to social media. Knowing how to respond to an online comment from a viewer, post accurate, positive content is critical to successful communication across many internet platforms.
CarusoPR also offer media relations management for companies and organizations answering all media inquiries and working closely with leadership to ensure accurate timely responses. We also serve as media spokespersons for companies or organizations who require additional professional hands to manage media inquiries.